Saturday, February 8, 2014

IV Therapy ...more than just nutrients!

Myers Cocktail

The Myers Cocktail is a wonder and very useful nutrient treatment to get immediate nutrients into the body via a short duration IV.  Having nutrients of different vitamins, amino acids and botanicals can achieve concentrations for maximum benefit to the body that cannot be achieved through oral supplementation.  Also, many vitamins and nutrients for therapy can be giving in doses that cannot be given even close to doses the body can withstand orally without various unwanted side effects.
Dr. John Myers, MD, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland initially used IV vitamin and minerals as part of treatments for many medical conditions.  He treated patients 1-2 times a week for about 20-25 years with clinical concerns of fatigue, depression, chest pain and acute illnesses such as cold and flu.  Years later after Dr. Myers had passed in 1980’s, a colleague continued to see patients making some changes to the formula in more significant dosages that improved how patients felt  and used for even more health concerns of patients in safe but very effective dosages.
The Myers therapy treatment today can vary slightly to accommodate specific treatments for patients; however, in general consist of magnesium, calcium, B12, B6, B5, B complex, sterile water and vitamin C.  Depending on the dosages used for treatments the IV duration takes about 10-25 min and is very quick and efficient for treatment. 
This form of treatment is so powerful and effective people typically see results and the benefits almost immediately.  The Myers IV treatment has been effective for health concerns of asthma, fatigue, cold and flu, migraines, fibromyalgia, depression, cardiovascular disease, upper respiratory tract infections, seasonal allergies, rash and skin conditions, athletic performance, drug withdrawal (pain medications for example), thyroid conditions, and just a great nutrient vitamin administration with maximum absorption.

If you have any of these health conditions and concerns you may benefit greatly from these treatments, contact AZ Integrated Medicine today to schedule for an appointment!